February 24, 2013

Electrolux HUSH Happier at Home

A law student like me barely stays at home during the weekdays. Most of the time, I am found in my favorite coffee shop reading the cases assigned for a specific day and reviewing for my upcoming exams. There are also times when people would catch me in the library as I study my lessons. Ever since I started to take up law, my Mondays-Fridays have been filled with school activities and to-do’s. 
Because of all these, I started to value the weekends I spend at home. Saturdays and Sundays allow me to take all the rest I need and to recharge for the new week. The good thing about my family is that they know how stressful law school could get for a happy-go-lucky person like me. Thus, they always make sure that I enjoy my stay at home during the weekends by making sure that nothing will ever destroy my rest and peace of mind. 
Silence is gold. I’ve had enough stress from the law school and I don’t want more of it from any other person, thing or place. As much as possible, I want things to be simple and quiet. For me, silence is precious. It makes me feel at ease and comfortable. It also allows me to think clearly and properly.

My home is my sanctuary. After a long week at school, I look forward to spending two-days rest at home. I enjoy staying in my bed and reading the magazines on my bedside table. I love weekend dinners too with my family. Saturdays and Sundays are booked for my de-stressing sessions. 
Happy things at home. All the things that bring awesomeness at my place are of great importance for me. For example, the big box under my bed is considered as a treasure box for it is where I keep all the random special things I get for certain days. I also value my book shelf which protect my most-loved books since I was young. The sofa in our living room is also important for me for it is the place where my mom, dad, little bro and I hang out.
And just recently, I discovered great things that made me exclaimed:
The following products are manufactured and distributed by Electrolux Philippines. I believe that these items do not only provide high customer satisfaction but also ultimate happiness to all home owners out there. Allow me to share some reasons why I want to own these things!
Powermix Silent Blender is exactly what I wanted!
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The kitchen is one of my favorite areas in our home. It is the place where my mom and I hang out as we bake sweet treats, prepare dishes taken from the recipe books and create new drinks for everyone in the family. As the unica hija, I am close to my mother. We do things together and I’d love to give her the Powermix Silent Blender. I can already imagine the different experiments of beverages and blends that we would prepare together while using the new blender.

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Weekends in my place will never be the same again if I get this special product!

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Ultra Silencer Green is exactly what I wanted!
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Whenever I’m home during the weekends, one of the things that I enjoy doing is to sit in our living room’s carpet as I watch television shows. I know that the carpets should be vacuumed regularly especially that I really sit on it but I couldn’t do it because I really feel tired during Saturdays and Sundays. Plus, our current vacuum produces an irresistible noise that I couldn’t take so I just ignore the fact that I’m sitting on an uncleaned carpet. This is the reason why I would like to get the Ultra Silencer Green.
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Weekends in my place will never be the same again if I get this special product! 

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To learn more about Electrolux, you can visit them at http://www.electrolux.com.ph/. You can also follow them on Twitter https://twitter.com/electroluxPH.
After checking all the great specifications of these products, I have realized that indeed, it is important for everyone to spend a quiet and relaxing weekends at home. Before ending this post, allow me to share the top 10 best things about having a peaceful and comfortable Saturdays and Sundays at my place:
1. It allows me to think over the happenings of the previous week and prepare for the new week to come.
2. It gives me a chance to reconnect with my family members. 
3. It makes me feel recharged.
4. I get to spend quality time with my mom as we do the household chores together.
5. I find an excuse to set aside my law school books and simply reward myself a good sleep.
6. Blogging becomes easy because there are less destruction.
7. Reading non-academic books feels rewarding during quiet weekends.
8. I can rest fully thus allowing me to feel renewed for the new weekdays.
9. It makes me feel like I’m in heaven… I’m in my own sanctuary.
10. It allows me to dream of getting special items like the Electrolux Powermix Silent Blender and Ultra Silencer Green. 

6 responses to “Electrolux HUSH Happier at Home”

  1. zettezi says:

    woow! my mom would <3 this!

  2. Ayien Agres says:

    My mom has been taking good care of our house and I guess I can prove it how our rooms are so cleaned. But, that's only how she has to work every now and then to just clean all the mess in our house. I will definitely would like my mom to use something that can make her work so easily. This is it!

  3. I love the blender. 🙂

  4. Jelyza Reyes says:

    The vacuum would really help if you want a peaceful and quiet cleaning your rugs and carpets.

  5. Gina Camarce says:

    i want to have one 🙂

  6. Electrolux Philippines has really great appliances that surely helps in our house hold 😀 I would recommend this to my mom since she only buys stuff that really doesnt last long.

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