December 29, 2013

Five Simple Steps to Creating a Successful eCommerce Blog

You need to find a way to keep your customers informed about what is taking place within your company, highlighting important events and promotional sales that you would like for them to attend. You also need to effectively promote the products and services that you offer in addition to demonstrating a high level of expertise within your respective market. Fortunately, each of these milestones can be achieved through creating a successful eCommerce blog. There are five simple steps to follow that will help you to do just that. 

Identify Your Audience

Your audience should be the foundation of your blog; everything that you create within it needs to be built directly on top of that foundation. Therefore, the first step of the process is to identify the audience that you intend to reach with this online marketing tool.  You may even want to take it a few steps father by developing a buyer persona that will provide you with a clear concept of the specific type of consumer that leads your key demographic. 

Do Not Lose Focus on the Audience

Throughout the blog development process, it can become very easy to get shifted in one direction or the next, one path or the other. The direction that you decide to take truly does not matter in the grand scheme of things as long as you remain focused on the desired destination – the audience. Check to make sure that all of your content is developed and distributed with your target audience at the forefront of your mind. This will require you to interact with them directly through your blog and social media profiles in order to determine their specific needs so that you can properly and precisely address them over time. 
Network with Other Influential Bloggers
The best way to expand your network is to help another blogger within your niche to expand theirs. Do not approach the world of eCommerce blogging from a competitive standpoint as if it is you versus the world. You will quickly realize within this market that you need all of the help that you can get so be willing to scratch the backs of other influential bloggers within your niche so that they can feel the need to return the favor. Share their posts on your blogs and within your social media profiles and they will help you to expand your network by doing the same with your content.  
Become a Master Curator of Content

You need to become a master curator of content. Thanks to the speed of advanced technology and the Internet, your target audience doesn’t want to sit around and wait for much of anything these days. More than 25 percent of your unique visitors will even abandon your website within the first 10 seconds if your webpage doesn’t load completely regardless of how badly they may need to have what you are offering, according to KISS Metrics. Find relevant content that has already been posted and published so that you can curate and recycle it in order to quickly feed the minds of your audience members, according to Constant Contact. 
Keep Your Audience Wanting More

Do not be too eager to share everything with your visitors and viewers all at once. Doing so will cause you to lose a substantial number of sales and customers. Your viewers will be able to receive all of the information that they need from your excessively informational blog for free, so there truly would not be a need for them to pay for any additional services or information. Use your blog to stimulate their interest so that they want more and are willing to pay for it. Following these key steps will allow you to maintain an efficient and effective blog that can be used as a marketing tool to keep your customers and clients interested but also to increase your conversion rate as well.

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