April 1, 2018

Get Taller Using These Height Insoles for Your Shoes: Does It Work?

height insoles

Have you ever found yourself lying in bed and wondering if there is a way to increase your height? You fantasize about being just a little bit taller. Of course, you are aware that it wouldn’t solve all the problems in your life, but it would be nice, though. You think you would look better, and that’s something to be happy about.

Besides, if you occasionally resort to wearing heels in order to achieve this, then you fantasize about throwing them all in the trash and never, ever again experiencing the pain that comes with them. Someone once said that beauty must be painful, and people have taken this rather seriously. But, not you. You want to take the pain, sucker punch it and say: “Take that, you little monster, it’s not like I need you in my life”.

Unfortunately, after reaching a certain age, you simply stop growing. That’s nature for you, my friend. And there is nothing much you can do about it. True, you could find a few tips and tricks on “elongating yourself”, but you’ll soon realize that it’s all just a fairy tale. There’s no magic in real life, buddy.

Read this for more info: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319504.php

There, there, don’t you get all discouraged. Sure, you cannot wave a wand and make yourself 6 feet tall, or whatever your desired height might be. But, there are ways to make you appear taller. You’ve probably heard that posture plays a significant role in this regard.

However, posture is not what I am talking about here. No, there is an even less complicated solution for your altitude issues. You don’t believe me? Then you must know very little about today’s shoe industry. Oh, boy, wait until you hear about height increasing insoles.

Height Increasing Shoe Insoles

Let’s get started. Height increasing shoe insoles, as the name says it, are insoles that you insert in your shoes to increase your height. Well, this sounded a bit like an explanation for a dummy, or a four-year- old, right? But, what can I do about it… That’s the whole essence of the product.

And yet, you might come across a few issues when shopping for this. So, before going any further, you should check out the article on Ryan’s Best Reviews, in order to learn a few things about stiffness, breathability, and lift levels. This will help you find the perfect option and feel absolutely amazing and confident with your new height. Well, of course, it’s the appearance of height, but appearance matters significantly. And, who says that you ever have to take your shoes off and admit to your little ploy?

Jokes aside, these can significantly lift your confidence and go a long way in making sure that you never let yourself down again. I’m sorry, I really can’t help myself. But, I promise I will try to refrain from puns from now on. What I will try to do is get to the bottom of this product and find out if it really works wonders the way its marketers suggest.

The Principle Behind

First of all, since I have mentioned heels and everything above, it is important to understand that these products work both for men and women. In fact, it’s more commonly known to be used by the male population. Basically, these are shoe inserts that can be put in your shoes to increase your height for a few inches. See here.

Do you know who the first people to recognize the need for this product were? Well, don’t take me by the word, but there is a belief that they were first invented for innkeepers, in order to make their footwear more comfortable, since their job consisted of constantly being on their feet. Now, you are probably wondering how something that is originally intended to increase comfort can all of a sudden influence your height.

Let’s look at it like this. When manufacturers recognize a need on the market, they take that need and turn it into a product. That’s exactly what happened here, but with a slight difference. The product already existed. So, all that was necessary were a few adjustments and you get the same comfort-enhancing item, but with another valuable feature.

Naturally, for it to be able to make you taller, the insole has to be slightly thicker than the original one. And when made from nice material, that thickness only adds to its overall coziness. It’s like getting a “two for one” deal. You get taller, and you get more comfortable shoes.

In addition to that, there are a lot more benefits of using shoe lifts, ranging from boosting your self-assurance to improving spinal balance. Nevertheless, when you have your heart set on adding a few inches to your height, then all you really want to know is whether this is the product that will grant your wish. In that case, do read on for one more minute.

Do They Work?

In an effort to find out the truth behind this product, I conducted a little research of my own. It’s not because I need to get a bit taller, though. Okay, okay, it is because I need to get a little bit taller. I admit it. I am 5’5’’ and I could use a little *enhancement*. But, enough about me, let’s see what research has shown.

The first thing I found is that the height of the insole is not exactly what you will be getting in terms of your own height addition. For example, if the insole is 3’’, you are to expect a slightly lower increase, due to the pressure of your weight. So, this is something to keep in mind when shopping.

Overall, people are generally satisfied with this product. The many reviews I have read show that they find it comfortable, practical, and useful. Additionally, upon consulting a few medical experts, I have also found that, when used properly, they are not harmful to your feet. So, feel free to get your own pair.

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