April 29, 2017

Mixing Modafinil With Morning Coffee – To Be Or Not To Be?

If you decide to take a trip around the world, you will find that people have something in common, no matter which continent they live on. Wherever you go and meet someone, you will have at least one topic to bond over. This makes you realize that living on the other side of the Earth doesn’t mean that you won’t find a single thing connecting you and that person.

I am not talking about cultural similarities, although this might as well fall under that category. I am talking about the fact that everybody drinks coffee. Can I guess what you are thinking right now? “British people drink tea”. Am I right? But, trust me; they are no strangers to caffeine either.

Here’s an interesting view on why people like the taste of this drink: https://www.forbes.com/sites/alicegwalton/2018/11/15/the-strange-psychology-of-why-we-love-the-taste-of-coffee/#716224e178e2

Sure, there are those who don’t enjoy this Godly substance. But, let’s face it, the percentage of nay-sayers is much lower than the percentage of coffee enthusiasts. I am in the latter group. And, since you are here, I guess that you are too. So, grab your cup right now, since you are about to learn a few remarkable things.

There is no need for me to dive deep into explaining why we all drink coffee and how it affects us and our brains positively. By now, everyone is aware of these effects. But, just in case, let me put this in one simple sentence. The reason people love caffeine is that it keeps them awake and helps them boost their energy levels.


Now, I want to introduce something else to you. If you feel like I am jumping to a completely unrelated topic, my advice is to be patient and stay tuned. Chances are that you will quickly figure out how these two subjects are linked together. And, if not, don’t worry; I’m here to explain that to you. So, let’s start by learning a few things about nootropics.

Nootropics, commonly known as smart drugs, are supplements that have proved to be quite beneficial when it comes to the enhancement of cognitive functions. They are used by completely healthy individuals and are considered safe for human consumption. Additionally, one of them is commonly mixed with caffeine, with an emphasis on timing the stack properly, in order to get the best possible effect.

The one I am talking about is Modafinil. It has had an important function for years now. Other than being taken by healthy people who want to increase their brain performance, Modafinil has been used in the treatment of narcolepsy and similar sleep disorders. Do you know what that means? It has been given to people in order to keep them awake.

Does that ring a bell? Can you see the connection between these two topics now? If not, let me break it down for you. Caffeine keeps people awake. Modafinil keeps people awake. Is it clear yet? I couldn’t have made it easier to understand

However, making you understand this connection is not my ultimate goal today. It’s simply an introduction to the topic. Since both Modafinil and coffee are known to be successful in keeping people up, does that mean that we could get double the effect if we used these two together? And is it advisable at all to mix these substances? That’s what we’re here to find out. Additional info.

Modafinil + Morning Coffee = ?

Take a look at the sub-title above. Now, go back and take a closer look once again. What do you see? It says “MORNING coffee” instead of caffeine in general. Is that information telling you something? And, no, I don’t think it’s telling you that I believe people usually drink this beverage in the morning. Although, that wouldn’t be wrong.

What I am trying to say is that there is something significant you should take into account when mixing Modafinil and caffeine. That’s right, timing the stack is of utmost importance. But, wait, let’s go back for a second. Did I forget to tell you that taking these two together is not only completely safe but also rather effective? My mistake, I assumed that this information was common knowledge.

Let’s consider the timing now. When you wake up, you make yourself a cup of coffee and wait for it to kick in and give you some energy to go through the day. Sometimes, however, that effect can be of short span. And you absolutely need an energy increase in the morning, which is where this potent nootropic comes into play.

So, by adding Modafinil to the mix, you are making sure that the effect doesn’t wear off so quickly. You will be more alert and more motivated to carry out all the daily tasks. This is like a double booster that will definitely keep you focused and get you through the day.

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