January 16, 2016

What You Need To Read Right Now

We all have those moments when we feel like everything is just too difficult to handle. There are days when we start to question why we needed to experience sufferings and pain when we have done nothing but show our love, compassion and care for the people surrounding us. We start to wonder why our prayers were unheard and why we couldn’t get the things we thought we deserve. For these moments, always remember what Paulo Coelho wrote in his book – The Manuscript Found in Accra. I found comfort in his words and I hope that you do too. After re-reading it, I felt happier. I was able to see the different perspective of why I had to fall down sometimes. Now, I feel so much better and I’m on the right track again.

From page 134-135:

And when we are sad, help us to keep our eyes open to the life around us: a flower opening, the stars in the sky, the distant singing of a bird or a child’s voice nearby.
Help us to understand that there are certain things so important that we have to discover them without anyone’s help. And that we should not feel alone and helpless, because You are there with us, ready to intervene if our feet go perilously close to the abyss.
Help us to continue onward despite the fear and to accept the inexplicable despite our need to explain and know everything.
Help us to understand that Love’s strength lies in its contradictions and that Love lasts because it changes and not because it stays the same and never faces any challenges.
And to understand, too, that each time we see the humble exalted and the arrogant humbled, we are witnessing a miracle.
Help us to know that when our legs are tired, we can keep walking thanks to the strength in our hearts, and that when our hearts are tired, we can still carry on thanks to the strength of our Faith.
Help us to see in each grain of sand in the desert proof of the miracle of difference, and may that encourage us to accept ourselves as we are.
Because just as no two grains of sand are alike, so no two human beings will think and act in the same way.
Help us to be humble when we receive and joyful when we give.
Help us to understand that wisdom lies not in the answers we are given, but in the mystery of the questions that enrich our lives.
Help us never to be imprisoned by the things we think we know, because we know so little about Fate.
And may this lead us to behave impeccably, making use of the four cardinal virtues: boldness, elegance, love and friendship.

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