September 5, 2013

Apps for Coffee-Lovers

Every cup of coffee makes me feel more relaxed and happy. As I sip my favorite White Chocolate Mocha, my worries seem to go away. I start to think of happy thoughts instead of the things which are giving me stress. Whenever I enjoy an iced cold coffee drink, I feel like the world around me is slowing down, allowing me to think clearly and sort out different ideas. I become more productive and energized because of coffee. The caffeine empowers me to do what I needed to do as soon as possible. I have developed this certain kind of love-relationship with coffee which is why whenever I study or blog, I really prepare or order coffee beverages to motivate me.
Even if there are many benefits I can get from drinking coffee, I still regulate my intake because I know that too much caffeine is not good for me. I take coffee in moderation in order to keep myself happy and healthy at the same time. Let me share the top 4 apps that are perfect for coffee-lovers like me:

1. Coffee Cup

This application contains recipes for hot, iced and with-alcohol coffee beverages. If you enjoy creating your coffee mixes, then Coffee Cup is perfect for you. During my free time, I check the app and see possible recipe that I could prepare for my family and friends during the upcoming weekend. 
One of my most favorite recipes is Icy Mocha Rocaccino. What makes it special is the vanilla ice cream blended with a strongly brewed coffee added with chocolate syrup. In less than three minutes, this beverage will be ready to be served. 
For more recipes, you can download Coffee Cup at the AppStore. Best viewed with iPad.

2. BuzzFeed

The good way to relax from a long and tiring day is to check BuzzFeed for their entertaining posts. Most of the entries posted by the BuzzFeed team are “relateable” which makes their viewers coming back for more. These posts are enjoyed with or without coffee but I guess, having a cup of coffee while browsing the different blog entries is more exciting.
Since I love books, I visit this category regularly:

3. Coffee Fortune

Whenever I need some guidance or motivation, I check Coffee Fortune. With one click, I can already see my “fortune” and I can even share them immediately on Facebook and Twitter. I can also share it to a friend via iMessage! Good thing that Iā€™m always in-the-loop to pursue my love for coffee anytime, anywhere with Globe Power Surf 499 subscription.
This app is available for FREE at the AppStore. However, only one fortune will be given every day. For those who want to enjoy the premium services, download the PRO version.

4. Caffeine

For those who enjoy brewing their coffee at home, then this app is something you need. There are brewing tips and information that can help you prepare a delicious coffee drink. The Brew Guide section of this application will also teach you how to perfectly brew your coffee. 
If you are not familiar with brewing and roasting, this app is a must-download. It can give you the price and average ratings for the coffee beans available in your local area. However, you need to provide certain details about the roaster.
The application requires internet connection from your smartphone. You cannot access the amazing features of Caffeine without a good and reliable wi-fi, 3G or LTE connection. The apps were downloaded from the AppStore using my Globe Power Surf 499 subscription.
Most of the apps I recommend require mobile internet. Mobile Internet is the access of internet using your mobile device ā€“ be it cellphone or your tablet.  Normal browsing rate for Globe is P5/15min. To maximize your online experience, register to PowerSurf that gives you consumable megabytes ā€“ just to give you an example: a 30sec video consumer more PowerSurf megabytes or MBs versus a tweet. With my current subscription right now, which PowerSurf 499, I get to enjoy 1Gigabyte or 1000+ MBs for P499 a month! To learn more, visit
Thanks to PowerSurf, now I can enjoy my coffee and do all the things I love to do!
How about you? Do you love coffee? Are there iPhone or iPad apps that you can suggest for coffee-lovers?

31 responses to “Apps for Coffee-Lovers”

  1. Yannie says:

    I tried to avoid coffee, but sometimes I am tempted to sip at least a quarter-full mug; it just makes my nerves all awake and I`m even more productive by drinking coffee. By the way, those are cool apps especially for coffee addict.

  2. nova hedges says:

    that app is quite interesting, i should check it out.

  3. I like drinking coffee in the morning. Hubby always brews a pot then we would sit and enjoy our coffee before he goes to work.

  4. betchai says:

    hmmm, I did not know about these coffee apps, wouldn't it be great if there is an app where we can get our coffee right from our mobile? haha!

    I love coffee too, but like you, I moderate my drinking too, like one cup a day only šŸ™‚ i drink it in the morning, then, it gives me happiness the whole day šŸ™‚

    and coffee in moderation is supposed to be good for our health too as it is packed with anti-oxidants and has been known to help in Alzheimer's etc, however, too much of any good thing can be bad too, that is why, I don't make myself too happy with coffee, haha!

  5. papaleng says:

    Nice app to explore for coffee lovers like you. Is there nice apps for Cola drinkers like me? How na you Algene?

  6. Rcel says:

    Really? An app for coffee lovers? Wow! Look what technology can do! I can't wait for the time when technology genius can develop an app which can really hand us what we want in an instance! Lol. I am not a coffee drinker and have never been one. I like to drink Milo though! šŸ˜€

  7. lencilicious says:

    Quit drinking coffee for years now. If I do, it will be de-caffeinated. It triggers my vertigo. But I still go to Starbucks for my dose of Choco Frappe (again not coffee based).

  8. Count me in! I like my coffee black. This is what starts my day.

  9. Sarah Jean says:

    I'm a certified app addicts, i could no longer count how many apps I have on my phone now. But still, the moment I saw your recommended apps, I immediately search and download the apps. Why? Because I'm not just an app addict but also a coffee addict as well. Just remember to drink moderately!

  10. Mari Bella says:

    It's been a long time when I stopped drinking my favorite coffee but this morning I just decided to buy a box of it. Hmmm thank your for the reminder.

  11. admin says:

    I don't drink coffee na since 2011 because it made me too acidic šŸ™ sarap pa naman.. I use to drink 2x but since it's creating problem in my stomach, I stopped it na.. No cravings at all .

  12. Raine Pal says:

    Yes! I am a coffee addict and this apps works great with me. Here I can see information and tips about the coffee I drink and will drink in the future.

  13. papaleng says:

    I let my son(who by the way is a coffee adik too) read this post . He will visit daw the apps later when his computer time begins.

  14. I am not a coffee-drinker since I was a kid, though my parents are drinking it. In my present senior age, I have maintained that of not drinking coffee. I have no reason why I never drink it. I just do it and later I learn the good and bad effects of coffee drinking.

  15. I want to recommend the Coffee Cup app to my coffee lover friends.

  16. Sef Tiburcio says:

    coffee is really a bestfriend of everyone but if i were to ask, i will go for frap kind of coffee to look fun while drinking it!

  17. I am currently avoiding coffee because it makes my heart go haywire. I think it's been two weeks since I decided to do so. But I guess using these apps you mentioned won't hurt at all, ayt? šŸ™‚

  18. Franc Ramon says:

    Checking out this apps. Coffee lover here. This would make the coffee experience better.

  19. I am a coffee lover too! I can't live without coffee a day.

  20. You're definitely a coffee lover ma'am! With apps like those, you will surely enjoy every cup of coffee you will have…

  21. Anonymous says:

    I love Globe's BBMax, it's the lowest rate for unlimited surfing. Though I am not fond of checking apps, Globe makes it happen for me to be online 24/7 at a very low monthly fee of P599. =) Powersurf does not work in Blackberry.

  22. mhie@smarlk says:

    This is good for hubby. If you believe i'm not a coffee lover.

  23. I usually consume 4-7 cups of coffees a day. Please tell me i'm not a coffee lover. :S

  24. Never heard about these coffee apps. I don't consider myself a coffee addict but my breakfast won't be complete without it.

  25. I am not really a fan of coffee but I'm a fan of knowledge. šŸ™‚ Knowing about the different types of coffee beans, how they are made and harvested is interesting. I know some apps that cover such educational info.

  26. When I worked on a call center, I've been immune with coffee. Like, it has no effect on me at all then after that, I avoided coffee, and now, just a cup makes me awake and active for a couple of hours. I'll check these apps šŸ˜€ No. 1 for me is buzzfeed I guess. Thanks for sharing! šŸ™‚

  27. I drink atleast 2 cups of coffee a day, usually in the morning I prepare my brewed coffee for breakfast, I already have my perfect taste for brewed coffee but I am curious about that app which I might download to see if I might still be able to improve the taste of my brewed coffee. Thanks for sharing this!

  28. wow! I love coffee and I feel relaxed and calm when I'm drinking especially if you're in a super calm and peaceful coffee shop. haaaay heaven ā™„.

  29. Shirgie Scf says:

    Coffee is not really my cup of tea (ooopps.. that not sounds right, hehee).. but I love your suggestions, even non coffee drinkers can use this app…

  30. Mai Flores says:

    I'm a coffee drinker, but I only drink it in the morning. But I can't start my day without it. So I'm sure that I'll enjoy the coffee apps that you've suggested, especially the first and last — I like testing out recipes on my own. šŸ™‚

  31. Mai Flores says:

    I'm a coffee drinker, but I only drink it in the morning. But I can't start my day without it. So I'm sure that I'll enjoy the coffee apps that you've suggested, especially the first and last — I like testing out recipes on my own. šŸ™‚

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