December 8, 2019

Easy Maintenance Tips for Coffee Makers

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Drinking morning coffee is one of those little rituals everyone loves. Those ten minutes of silence and enjoying a warm, fragrant beverage give you the will and energy for the day ahead. And if you get yourself the best coffee maker, you’ve provided yourself with a dose of instant strength and readiness for physical and mental endeavors, at least until breakfast.

Some people have a habit of drinking their favorite morning beverages outside the home. That’s why they think coffee from coffee makers won’t taste the same. However, after they try the first sip, they are pleasantly surprised.

At home, you can experiment with different flavors and blends, or add cream, sugar, cinnamon, and whatever you want, as much as you want. Also, in the long run, buying a quality machine, and enjoying this drink in the warmth of your home can save you a bundle.

Features of Coffee Makers

You can find many of these devices on the market. In addition to the standard (and already slightly outdone) non-electric coffee makers, there are many electric and hybrid models of these machines. Electric appliances became an essential part of kitchen tools, and the first thing many of us want to see in the morning.

Given that they are in a fairly wide price range, you should know which additional features these devices have. Some manufacturers came up with features like in professional devices, like several ways of grinding, or the addition of thermal carafe, to keep your drink warm throughout the day.

Although all devices work on a similar principle, the tastes of the end product may differ, even when using the same beans or blends of coffee in different appliances. It may depend on the water temperature, the mixing method, the filtration density, etc. It also affects whether the device is intended for a single cup or pots for a larger amount of this hot drink.

As for the maintenance of the device, it is quite simple and not too demanding – if you clean the appliance regularly and do not allow it to build up dust, grounds, and any other dirt. This rule applies to both the device and the container.

Regular Maintenance Steps

Top-notch devices are not cheap and can last you a long time if you maintain them the right way. Otherwise, the limescale and mud will clog the appliance. Then you have to either throw it away or bring it to accredited repairers. It may take a while; no one can guarantee the repair, and it may cost you a lot. Daily cleaning is a great preventative and an easy way for excellent coffee and long-lasting coffee machines.

Washing the pot and reservoir is mandatory as soon as you empty it. Do not pour a new dose of coffee into an already used container, as it may change the taste. Don’t do this, especially if the pot or reservoir is made of plastic, as these stains require a particular cleaning method, which you can find out on this link.

Whether it’s a single pot or a container of several deciliters of liquid, you should wash both in the same way. It is best to use warmish water and mild dish detergent. Rinse with warm water, and if the tank is made of glass, it is recommended to polish it well. Only wipe the plastic container thoroughly. If you don’t enjoy doing dishes, you can put the reservoir in the top rack of the dishwasher.

Just wipe the rest of the unit if a drop of coffee ends up on it. A slightly damp cloth is enough, as too much water can reach the engine and cause a malfunction. All this will not take you more than a few minutes, even though you brew fresh coffee several times a day.

Vinegar Solution for Deep Cleansing

A thorough cleaning of the coffee maker is recommended once a month, or as soon as you notice the taste of your favorite hot drink has changed. When there is too much residue in the filter, your favorite hot drink gets a bitter, metal taste. Excellent coffee from the appliance requires a minimum of conditions, and regular maintenance is the main one.

With things we all have at home, regular maintenance is a piece of cake. The vinegar may have a strong odor, but it is handy for degreasing and descaling. If you hate the smell of vinegar, you should consider the use of lemon juice. The procedure for both substances is the same.

Why diluting vinegar before using it as a cleansing agent is a must, read below:

Easy Procedure

Pour the same amount of water and vinegar/lemon juice into the tank and place the paper filter where it usually stands. Turn on the appliance as if you were going to make coffee. After the pot is half full, turn off the device and wait 30 minutes. Rinse the machine using a new clean filter and clean, warm water.

Rinsing is the key. Pass at least three, four full tanks of clean water through the coffee maker before making coffee. It is the only way to make sure that even the tiniest particles of dirt and vinegar are ejected from the appliance. After all, you can’t miss it – if your favorite hot drink still tastes sour after cleaning, you should repeat flushing.

When cleaning, do not forget the filters. Change the paper ones after each coffee brew, and clean the metal ones with baking soda. As for containers, do polishing with raw rice and cold water. For monthly cleansing of the pot, put water, soap, and rice in and shake it. Then take the coarse part of the sponge and try to remove all the dirt. Then rinse and air-dry it.

You can use specialized chemical compounds for deep cleansing, but you can naturally clean coffee makers, too. This way, you don’t have to worry about drinking your favorite morning drink with some unwanted synthetic substances.

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