March 24, 2020

Text Messages to Get Your Ex Back

Breakups are hard and many people wish that they could get their ex back. But do you know that it is possible to get your ex back even if it difficult? Thankfully, text messaging is a good means of communication. Therefore, you can use this means to win your ex back.

Bear in mind however, that in attempting to get your ex back you may be hurt all over again. You stand the risk of rejection or your messages being ignored.

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You might feel that such texting can make you look desperate. But whatever the case, there is no harm in trying. You should prepare for any possibility.

Having this in mind, this article will show you some helpful ex text messages that could win them over. Take note of these five types of messages that would set a good reason for you to reconnect with your ex-lover:

#1 The Conversation Starters

After the breakup, both of you might have stopped chatting or talking to each other. To break the ice, try to initiate a conversation with your former lover. Send a simple message such as greetings.

Since you want to establish a foundation to discuss further, avoid talking about your last relationship together. Send positive texts that will result in a conversation as well as messages that can easily be replied to.

Examples of such messages are:

These positive messages can be a great way to start a conversation that may help you to win your ex back.

#2 The Feeling Text

This is the easiest type of text to send. This message is used to test if your ex-lover will be open to starting a connection with you. If you get a straightforward reply of “No” or an evasion, then this could mean there is no connection or interest. But if there is an immediate response that shows concern and care, then you still have a place in your ex’s heart.

An example of such texts is:

Text Messages to Get Your Ex Back

#3 The Intriguing Messages

It may have been a while since you met or did some activities together, so this category of texts will intrigue your ex. After the breakup, one of the best things to do is work on yourself and your self-worth. If you remain the same, your ex may see no need to get back to you.

You need to change and show that you are better than you were before. This new version of yourself will capture your ex-lover’s attention. You could start by writing about something you recently did or saw that reminded you of a fun moment together.

Some of these Intriguing text messages include:

These texts can rouse your ex’s interests. Such texts will make him or her think of you in many ways.

#4 The Nostalgia

People tend not to notice what they have until they lose it, and then they begin to idealize that afterwards. You can use this to your advantage in winning your ex back. Remind him or her about the happy memories you both shared. This will produce feelings of attraction to you.

Some of these messages are:

You can watch this video about the secret power of nostalgia in winning back your ex.

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#5 The Meet-Up

Before sending this text, you should have started a conversation with your former partner and gone through the previous steps with positive results.

The main goal of these texts is to meet up with your ex. This should be easy, as you’ve been texting with them for some time. An example of such texts is:

Make the message simple, casual, and friendly. If there is hesitation in the reply, send a calm, positive message back. You could send something like:

That simple reply is enough to let your ex know how much you have changed and that you are still interested in them. You can click on to find tips for meeting with an ex.


There are several ways to win back an old love and one of them is through text messages. We discussed 5 categories of messages and hope that they will help rouse your ex’s romantic feelings for you.

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