October 7, 2015

Friends Need Time and Space Too

I woke up at the right side of my bed today. I had a really good sleep, which only means that I had a wonderful Tuesday night. What made last night exciting and full of fun was my reconciliation with a close friend in law school. We haven’t talked for like six weeks despite the fact that we see each other almost everyday, sit beside each other in class and hang out with the same group of friends (both LA and Nachura). I can’t even believe I had the courage and too much “pride” to ignore him for the past weeks. Trust me, it was difficult but my useless pride helped get through it.
Our reconciliation was totally unexpected. We never said anything to each other, we just smiled. Right there and then, we both knew we’re back to being friends. The first thing I said to him was “I miss you!” and all he said was “I wish I could say the same.” It may sound mean but I know he’s just kidding since he always does that whenever I try to show him some affection. My friend K is not really comfortable with my smitten personality. He finds it annoying and fake! (Hahaha) 

It’s just so amazing how things get better when people learn how to give time and space from each other. For countless times, our other friends have been trying to fix our little misunderstanding but I kept on telling them that I don’t want to have a pre-mature reconciliation with K. I don’t want to fix our friendship when what we really needed was time and space from each other. We were so close that we probably got fed up of one another. For the six weeks of silence and awkward moments with him, I gave myself a chance to miss him terribly. His absence in my life made me realize how much I value our friendship. Now that we’re back to being each other’s bitch, I will not do things to hurt or make him feel bad. I’m treasuring our friendship like never before.
A part of me always believed that we will be able to get pass the “not-friends” state and yes, I was right. The “six weeks” was a struggle and a complete challenge. But as I already mentioned above, we needed the time and space to miss each other… to see that we can’t be in law school and not be friends.
Gosh, I love my friends. And K will always be one of my favorite gay guy friends!
Thought: Don’t rush things. Anything worth having is worth waiting for. Even reconciliation. TIME and SPACE. Big words.

One response to “Friends Need Time and Space Too”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I was frothing with emotions after I read this because I could relate. Premature reconciliations are the worst. Some arguments really need a lot of TIME and SPACE. Thank you for sharing this with us. 🙂

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