May 2, 2012

I Believe…

I believe that life is full of beautiful things to be thankful of.

I believe that everyone is capable of surprising me in ways I couldn’t imagine.

I believe that all the things happening in my life right now are part of God’s plan for me.

I believe that sometimes, things could suddenly go wrong so I can learn how to fix them on my own.

I believe that I have the capacity to find solutions to all the problems and trials presented to me.

I believe that I am surrounded by great friends and family who will never leave my side.

I believe that there are persons who will stick with me when I need them most.

I believe that some of my friends can cause so much pain in my life but I also believe that I can forget their mistakes.

I believe that there are people who will stay with me when least expected.

I believe that good things come to end for better blessings to come.

I believe that sometimes, being selfish can become an option.

featured coffee

I believe that in certain days, I have to think of myself first before thinking of others’ feelings, emotions and welfare.

I believe that I can give so much to the people important in my life without expecting anything in return.

I believe that I can become a good and worse friend at the same time.

I believe that one day, all my dreams will come true.

I believe that the time delay is given to me so that I can think whether all the things I’ve wished for are what my heart desires.

I believe that when things suddenly go wrong, I have the courage to continue moving forward.

I believe that I can transform sad moments into happy ones.

I believe that I can find happiness in many things.

I believe that life is complicated but it is truly exciting.

I believe that every single day, I only have two options – either to complain about my life or to be grateful about it.

I believe that somewhere in my life, certain individuals will hurt me.

I believe that I can let go of hatred and accept things as they are.

I believe that focusing all my energy on my dreams and goals will make me happy.

I believe that I have caused sufferings to other persons and I am sorry for the hurtful feelings.

I believe that they too can forgive my wrong doings because they understand.

I believe that everything makes sense.

I believe that I deserve more.

I believe that as long as I have the faith, everything in my life will be less complicated.

I believe that I am happy, thankful and contended.

I believe that everybody has to believe in something.

6 responses to “I Believe…”

  1. rona says:

    I believe that you're a good friend to me. I also believe that you're a great girl who will have a bright future and a good daughter and person. Plus, I believe your giveaways are superb coz they give me benefits! Lol!

  2. you have grow up beautifully algene inside and out!

  3. With all conviction, I believe that everybody has to believe in something. ^_^

  4. gusto ko ang sinabi mong ito… I believe that every single day, I only have two options – either to complain about my life or to be grateful about it.

  5. Jen says:

    I agree that everybody has to believe in something. It is hard to make a stand if you don't believe in something. 🙂

  6. like!

    I believe and I'll survive!

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