March 26, 2011

Is It Time To Move Out Your Parents Home?

Thinking about making the move out of your parents place. Moving out is a huge decision and one that comes with all kinds of newfound financial and practical responsibilities. Having some experience living from home either at university or working abroad can greatly help you to prepare. Whether or not this is your first time, here are the biggest factors to consider before taking the decision to move.

Considering the costs
Living costs are getting progressively higher. In certain areas across the country, living costs will be even more expensive. Create a budget so that you know exactly how much you need to be earning each month. Include rent, bills, taxes, food & drink and vehicle costs if you have a car or motorbike. On top of this you’ll need to be able to afford initial expenses such as a deposit, furniture, utensils and the hire cost of a moving company. Weigh up whether you can realistically afford this on your current wage. Saving up beforehand and fixing any debts may be worthwhile.
Your parents and guardians may be able to contribute to some initial costs. In some cases you may need to make sacrifices. If living on your own is more important than owning a car, decide whether you can get by on public transport. You may also be able to share the burden with someone by sharing a property and dividing the rent.
Choosing your flatmate/housemate
The person you move in with has to be someone you reliably trust. This could be a sibling, close friend or a partner. Ensure that you trust this person – with a sibling you’ll generally know all their bad habits, but with friends and new partners you may need to get to know them a little more first.
Moving with complete strangers is a riskier approach, although many do it. Get to know your potential housemates/flatmates first – ‘interview’ multiple people first to increase your options of finding someone you’re likely to gel with. This is especially recommended if you’re opting to live with a roommate.
Family commitments
Your family is likely to support your decision to move out, providing you’ve shown in the past a level of independence. Occasionally there may be family commitments that make the process a lot harder. If you contribute a lot to bills and rent at your parents place or are the main breadwinner, you may be worried about how your family will cope. You shouldn’t let your family hold you back and should try and arrange as to how everyone is going to afford the move. If your parent has a disability and you are their guardian then this process will be even harder.
There are times when it may not be so clear cut. Parents may be overprotective of you, which may cause them to not want to let you go despite you be able to cope on your own. Alternatively, parents may be pressuring you to move out but you may not feel ready. In all these cases, family counselling is worthwhile pursuing.
Troubles at home
For situations where there may be troubles at home and you don’t feel safe, hotlines and services are available that can safely rehouse you. Don’t suffer in silence and stay at a friend’s home temporarily if you need to. 

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