August 31, 2017

Tips to Stay Healthy When You’re Stressed

You and I get to experience stress every day of our lives. Stress can be both good or bad. 
When we’re faced with mild stress, such as meeting work deadlines or preparing for a job interview, we tend to push ourselves to give our best. This helps us become more proactive. However, stress that goes on for days or weeks can wreak havoc on our bodies. When faced with negative life situations for an extended period, our physical and mental energies get depleted. 
Why Proper Stress Management Matters
Managing stress, the right way is important to preserve your health for the long term. Without proper stress management techniques, you become at risk for several problems such as heart disease, a weakened immune system, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. 
Nobody wants these things to happen. If you find yourself under prolonged stress and need to take better care of yourself, here are a couple of tips you should follow. 
1. Go outdoors and experience nature. 
Do your long hours at work make you feel pressured and anxious? There’s something about greenery and fresh air that soothes your soul. The orderliness of nature and the pleasing sights and sounds of natural elements enhance your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 
According to research, it has been found out that nature distracts people from discomfort. After spending time outdoors, in a nature setting, individuals who feel depressed and stressed out feel calmer afterward. Go and hike in the mountains with your friends during the weekend. Have a walk in the park with your dog. 

2. Eat healthy snacks with stress relief benefits. 
Stress eating can be hard to resist. Most people turn to food for comfort and often choose the wrong snack varieties – high sodium chips, sugary treats, and other junk foods. If you’re craving for something tasty to munch on when you’re feeling down, pick healthier options instead. There are lots of healthy snacks that act as natural mood boosters. 
Great examples of these snacks that bust stress include nuts and seeds, avocados,cereal bars with fruits, and blueberries. They contain high amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help calm your nerves and aid in cell repair and rejuvenation. 
3. Engage in regular exercise.  
Whether you do aerobics, lift weights, or engage in yoga sessions, exercise benefits your body in many ways. Not only does it help you achieve a better weight, it also increases your strength and stamina. Exercise should be an indispensable part of any stress management plan.
On the subject of stress reduction, physical activity has been known to promote the release of your body’s feel-good hormones. These are your endorphins. Not only that, beingfully immersed in the rhythmic movements of exercise helps take your mind off your worries.  
4. Get some sleep. 
Don’t you know that lack of sleep decreases your ability to cope with life’s stresses? When your mind is constantly trapped in the habit of overthinking and you’ve been toiling the entire day, sometimes all that you need is a good night’s rest. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute mentions that sleep improves your brain function by enhancing your ability to learn and cope with change. 
This explains why people who are sleep deficient cannot effectively solve problems and handle their emotions. To develop a healthy sleeping habit, stick to a relaxing bedtime routine. Avoid drinking caffeine in the evening. Read an inspirational book or listen to soothing music.

5. Surround yourself with positive people. 
You may not realize it but the persons you often spend time with affect your thoughts and feelings. When you’re stressed, the last thing you need is to be with someone who complains and criticizes. Draw strength and positivity from those who are focused on solutions. 
Good people practice good and healthy habits which you’re more likely to adapt subconsciously. Optimistic friends fill your heart with uplifting messages. Pessimistic friends drain your energy to the point that you lose the drive to take healthy steps to handle your stress.
Wrap Up 
Stress is unavoidable. But the good news is that you can counteract the negative effects of prolonged stress on your health by following these helpful tips. After all, what really matters is how you respond to stress. Overwhelming situations can get the best of you. Remember that keeping yourself healthy enables you to better deal with life. 

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