October 25, 2012

Health Tips for Students

Every student must learn how to value his health condition. Failure to do this can prevent him from performing better in school and from completing the different class requirements. Because of these, it is important that students follow a certain guideline that will help them stay fit and healthy despite all the demands they get from their classes and professors.
There are many known ways, tips and tricks on how a student can do better in school without sacrificing his health. In this article, you will see the different guidelines that will enable every student maintain a good and healthy condition. 
Listed below are different health tips for all types of students. Whether you are still in high school or in college, the enumeration below will surely help you. I highly recommend that graduate students follow the guidelines especially that they are the ones who get so much pressure from their courses.

1. Do not deprive yourself of sleep.

Some students stay up late at night to study, review and read. They go to bed at almost 3 AM while others do not even sleep at all. This practice is discouraged because experiencing sleepless nights will not do any good to students. Their bodies will be tired which led to low performance in the classroom activities, or worse, sleeping during classes.
2. Eat three meals a day.

With a very hectic schedule, some students skip meals. Their logic dictates that they should use the free time or breaks for studying instead of eating. Again, this is wrong because our bodies cannot function without having meals all throughout the day. It is important for students to take their breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, the meals must be balanced.
3. Rest when needed.

Stress can bring any student down. When you feel like you have done too much, feel free to take a rest and relax. Always remember that you do not need to study all the time. It is acceptable if you pause for a moment, give yourself a treat and enjoy some “me” time. Just make sure that you don’t over relax, especially during exams.
4. Drink the right vitamins.

There are many vitamins available in the market that are perfect for students. Among these is Vitamin C which can increase the resistance of persons against sicknesses and illnesses.If you wish to function better at school, make sure to drink the right vitamins. To be sure, you can visit a doctor and ask for the perfect supplement that you can take.
Being healthy is the key to succeeding in your chosen course. Therefore, one of your tasks as a student is to maintain a healthy body and mind. With all the guidelines enumerated above, you can now complete all your requirements and excel in your classes without worrying about your condition. These four steps are proven effective based on my experience!

69 responses to “Health Tips for Students”

  1. woah! these things really hit home. hehe. i'm currently a university student, and i must admit, being an accountancy student is very demanding. thanks for these tips. though i'm guilty of violating all of these, hehe, but i think i can do better in the future.

    i'm a new follower, btw. awesome blog. 🙂

    Riza of http://rzzzp.blogspot.com

  2. Anonymous says:

    I like this article because I can relate to wearing myself down, especially in college and getting very sick!

    Desiree Dunbar

  3. Athena says:

    Definently something I needed to do when I was in school.

  4. Em Sands says:

    Great suggestions! Along with vitamin C, I can't recommend vitamin D drops enough, especially in the winter – boosts your immune system, and helps ward off those winter blahs from lack of sun.

  5. sara ford says:

    Very good tips I am not in school but my sister is about to start so I will be passing this along to her thank you

  6. Anonymous says:

    These are great tips! I try to follow them myself and I'm not in school.
    Kathy Ross

  7. yes ,kids need extra help with thier health while going to school or college.they just dont realize,how much of a toll it takes on thier health.

  8. Sara Campbell says:

    These are great. My oldest is being homeschooled this year but next year he may go to a public school. These will be great for him to follow. These would actually work for any person for everyday life.

  9. Amber S. says:

    Wish this was here when I was in school

  10. Adrienne H says:

    This is really great advice especially about getting enough sleep.

  11. Charissa S. says:

    Great tips, vitamins and adequate sleep are definitely important.

  12. Joyfull says:

    Sleep is vital! Love that!

  13. Joyfull says:

    Sleep is vital. Love that!

  14. Anonymous says:

    This is so true. Whatever happens, no matter how busy we are in our school works we must not forget about our health. cause it's a much toll to pay if our body starts to break.

  15. celina k says:

    Ahh, all the things I should have done but didn't. Good advice!

  16. bill elliott says:

    Informative article, tips that we all can apply to our children's lifes

  17. Ashley Green says:

    Love it! Will definitely help me because it seems like I do the complete opposite! Thank you 🙂

  18. Myrna says:

    I wish I knew all of this when I was in school.

  19. Tamara says:

    These are all things that I make sure my kids know. Getting sleep and the right amount of vitamins are very important!

  20. Angie B. says:

    Seems simple enough but college students are notorious for not eating right or getting enough sleep. I was guilty

  21. Vitamins are very important to stay healthy and keep away diseases.
    chavonne h.

  22. Myra Rzepa says:

    great tips! they are sooo easier said then done though:( i know they are such simple and easy tips but life gets the best of you sometimes.
    thanks for the post!:)

  23. Jesse R says:

    I think that if most students do not put off studying, doing the readings as they are assigned, etc, they will not need to be awake all night or most of the night. Through my few degrees, I never pulled an all nighter or stayed up very late, because I knew sleep was more important to the body than cramming info that they would lose while read with little sleep.

  24. Mya Murphy says:

    Wow I wish I would've read this while I was in school… myamurphy@mail.com

  25. Sue Hull says:

    This is really good advice. I told my daughter all these things when she was in school and it paid off.She did 4 yrs of high school in 2 yrs and was also a tutor.She graduated at 16 with honors.She went to college and got a degree. I'm a very proud mom, I guess that's obvious.Lol! Thanks! 🙂

  26. misty farmer says:

    Wow this is awesome!

  27. Becky Bryant says:

    Wow, I wonder how many people truly do these things? I do know it is good advice. Thanks.

  28. Great tips! I am in school myself and I will need to remember this.

  29. great tips, i will have to remember this

  30. i have a bad habit of not eating 3 meals

  31. i am going to have my son read this. he wont listen to me when i try to tell him how important it is to get enough sleep!!

  32. Maya TheBee says:

    Seems reasonable, but quite difficult to follow…

  33. lovely2911 says:

    Wish I knew some of this when I was in school

  34. Great tips – especially do not deprive yourself of sleep! I was always guilty of that.


  35. naru9292 says:

    the num 1 tips is right. almost everyday i sleep 2 AM or 3 AM. because of homework.
    thx for the tips..

  36. naru9292 says:

    the num 1 tips is right. almost everyday i sleep about 2 or 3 am. and must wake up 6 am in the morning.
    thanks for the great tips

  37. let it be says:

    This is so true! There is nothing more important than your health…These are great tips to help take care of yourself!!

  38. Dawn Sterner says:

    Great tips! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  39. Katy says:

    Great info. It really comes down to taking time for self-care.

  40. Alexis T says:

    I know I need at least 7 hours of sleep a night. Skimping on sleep doesn't work for me.

  41. Jody Sisson says:

    Excellent Advice, We all could try and use them.

  42. That's quite helpful! I'm a student myself, and I do have a hard time not staying up till all hours of the night. It's a very productive time of the day for me, but getting up so late isn't. *rolls eyes* 😀

  43. This is so true, but hard to always do. We all get so busy and sometimes the things we really need for ourselves we put off to do the other things that HAVE to get done.

  44. lunaathena12 says:

    I think this is great

  45. Great suggestions, you always have to remember to take care of yourself to do your very best 🙂

  46. Really great suggestions

  47. jvictoria08 says:

    I think this post is very informative especially the part about being sleep deprived some college students party, or stay up late at night for extra studying and don't allow themselves to get enough rest. Rest is key to being healthy.

  48. Peggy says:

    ok I did absolutely none of that when I went to school and looking back I say to myself if I knew then what i know now……..

  49. Great tips….thanks for sharing!!! 🙂

  50. Tracie Gaouette says:

    Thanks for the fantastic advice. Vitamin C is a staple in my household. Lots of sleep and wash your hands throughly. Always carry wipes with us when not at home!!!

  51. cdrabert says:

    My son is at that age where he eats all the time and he sleeps a lot too lol Hes 12

  52. Great ideas/tips! Thanks. 🙂

  53. Trinalina says:

    I need to get better about drinking my vitamins!

  54. jamie braun says:

    Im not a college student, but these tips are still perfectfor me

  55. micheal dale grim says:

    i could have used this info back when i was in school,thanks for the great info!!!

  56. Judy Gregory says:

    yeah, i learned these lessons the hard way. don't wait 'til evening to write papers or you'll end up pilling an all nighter not good

  57. Tina Tuttle says:

    Sleep is so essentional!

  58. These are great tips. Of course, when I was in college, I followed NONE of them… lol. It's hard to balance a social life, studying AND *sleep?* heehee 😉

  59. Sadie Jane says:

    Great article, and timely for my family. We have a student heading off to college next year! =) Will definitely share this post with her

  60. makes a person think a lot…especially to follow these when you are trying to stay healthy and have cancer at the same time…very important facts.

  61. Becky says:

    I am not a student, but I am a mom, and I think these rules apply for us as well as our children! I know that if I dont eat and sleep right I have a hard time making it through the day.. I just really need to work on taking my vitamins! Thank you for this wonderful post!

  62. tracey says:

    rochelle johnson

  63. Stacy says:

    I'll pass this on to my did and D's who are others students.

  64. jithin says:

    Health is the biggest asset for humans and its very expensive, need to be maintained properly. Proper diet with all vitamins, proteins and minerals, drinking more water, regular exercises are some of the methods for maintaining good health.

  65. Penda Penn says:

    and you think we nursing students are promoting health when we cant even follow simple health advice. hello~ great blog! i'm working on the first and the third though i dont have any idea how. 😀

    lots of lovin'

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