July 18, 2018

I Fell In Love With “Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again”

Spoiler Alert: This article may contain some spoilers from the movie. You’ve been warned 🙂 

“Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again” is the type of movie that will leave you smiling at the end of the film. It was such a happy movie that my heart was absolutely high for the entire duration of the film. I was there at the cinema, feeling giddy and excited about how the movie would turn out. At first, I was kind of disappointed because I expected more from this sequel. Shame on me, because towards the end of the film, everything became more interesting. The songs started to sound more familiar and the scenes became more interesting. Most importantly, I was moved by the courage and dedication of Donna Sheridan – played by Lily James (young) and Meryl Streep (old). The truth is that my heart right now is overflowing with joy. “Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again” is such a relief. It was a breath of fresh air. I will definitely watch it over and over again (just like what I did with the first installation).

If you are a constant reader of this blog, then you are aware that the next part of this article would talk about how the movie touched me. I have so many things to say about this film, and I don’t even know where to start. So allow me to just randomly tell you about the top five thoughts I have for the film:
1. I wish I were as courageous as the character of Donna. She left everything behind to follow her heart. It may not have ended the way she wanted it to be, but she sure was happy. Being pregnant with Sophie was never in her plans. When it happened, her world turned upside down, and she was able to handle it on her own. Instead of being bitter, she held her head up and moved on to better tomorrows. She is an inspiration to all the women out there. Sometimes, all we need is to believe in ourselves to achieve pure bliss. Happiness is not something that knocks on our door. It’s always in our life. We just need to figure out how to reach out to it. Remember this line from her:
2. The part where Cher showed up is one of my favorite scenes. She is so amazing. She was so great in rendering her own version of “Fernando.” I have to say that her short appearance is significant in helping the film become iconic. Plus, there were fireworks everywhere, which makes the scene more dramatic. I have seen the trailer for the film so I thought that Cher would only sing one song. Mamma Mia surprised the viewers again when Cher started singing the first few lines of “Super Trouper”. You can check this out:
3. The movie did not focus on the love story of Sophie and Sky. We knew that there was a conflict in the relationship, but it was not really highlighted because the attention was focused on the re-opening of the hotel. However, if you would look closely at the scenes, some songs were about the problems between the couple. Will they survive the long distance relationship? Are they going to give up their dreams just to stay with each other? Who has bigger dreams between the two of them? If there is one thing that the movie reminded us, it is this: we must never allow someone to dictate the course of our lives. We all know what we want and we have to get it for our own satisfaction and happiness. 
4. Another valuable lesson I learned from the film is to be fearless. It is essential always to do what sets our souls on fire. It may not be easy, but it is necessary if we want to live happily. We will keep on making mistakes, and this is completely okay. What matters most is how we pick all the broken pieces to move forward.

Have you seen the movie? Let me know what you think about it!

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