May 30, 2020

Speciality Coffee Roaster for A Monthly Coffee Subscription

specialty cofffee

Coffee is a very popular beverage worldwide. It is a dark drink that is brewed from the roasted coffee beans. It contains a high level of anti-oxidants and many beneficial nutrients that is good for a person’s health. Research shows that drinking it results in a lower risk of getting several diseases. You may read about its health benefits here.

To make coffee, ripe berries are picked and processed before being dried. The dried seeds, which are commonly referred to as beans, are then roasted to differing degrees based on the flavour to be made. This is then ground. The ground product can then be brewed with boiling water, producing the popular dark beverage.

Brewed coffee is dark and bitter so a lot of people take it with some sugar alone or also with some milk. It contains caffeine which makes it acidic and also gives it a stimulating effect. This helps relieve stress, and fatigue while increasing mental alertness. Studies also show that it can be used to prevent diseases such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, etc. It can also be used to treat certain kinds of cancer.

It is usually served hot and can be prepared in many different ways such as French press, caffe latte, and espresso. There are also iced options which can be an alternative to being served hot.

The beans are cultivated in over 70 countries of the world mostly in Africa, Asia, and some regions in the Americas. The two most common types are the C. Arabica and C. Robusta.

Coffee Roasting

This is an important step in the whole process of coffee making. Roasting transforms both the physical and chemical characteristics of the bean, preparing it for consumption. A perfect balance in roasting results in a robust taste and flavour.

Different roasting methods exist but the most common are drum or hot air machine roasting. Other methods include tangential, centrifugal or packed-bed roasters. The roasting process can either result in any of these three types; light roast, medium roast or dark roast.

What is Speciality Coffee?

what is specialty coffee

This is a term used to describe the highest grade of green coffee beans that are roasted to the best flavour by experts. This is then properly brewed to great standards. It can be described as one with no defects, has a distinctive character when poured into a cup and has a score of over 80 points according to set standards by the Speciality Coffee Association (SCA – a union of both European and American Speciality Association). Those with a score of 80-84.99 are regarded as very good, 85-89.9 is termed excellent, and 90-100 is termed outstanding. You can read more about this in this article:

How is it Made?

Speciality relates to the whole supply chain from farmers who have perfected the art of growing the highest quality over the years to buyers who may be certified tasters. These buyers have a keen sense of smell and taste to identify good coffee.

The next set of people are the roasters. They may also be certified and they know how to skillfully roast the beans. This is what gives it the flavor. Through a form of heat transfer and properly applied chemistry, they ensure the end product is of the highest quality and standard. The process continues with the baristas who may also be certified. They are highly skilled in operating brewing equipment and get to know about the beans, its origins and how the flavours can be profiled. No matter how good the bean is, if it is not properly brewed, the flavour will be lost. That is why baristas are so important in the chain.

Finally, the consumer completes the chain by seeking out and buying speciality coffee. Taking out time to research, ask questions, and learn will help you make informed choices. It is also a sort of statement of appreciation of work done by the previous sets of people involved in producing the speciality and a commitment to high-quality standards of flavour and taste.

Monthly Subscription

For coffee lovers and enthusiasts; people who are usually addicted to the good stuff that may not be found at regular grocery stores or supermarkets, they can get high-quality products for their taste buds through a speciality coffee subscription service. It is delivered to them on a recurring schedule either monthly or weekly. In this way, they can satisfy their caffeine addictions and also support local roasters.

When it comes to monthly subscriptions, there are two types. The first is the third party subscription where companies partner with several roasters and send their customers something different on a weekly or monthly basis. The second is the direct subscription where coffee roasters handle sales and deliveries by themselves.

Through a subscription, you can choose any of the many different flavours available. Companies or manufacturers may take a customer through a tasting process or survey to capture their preferred brewing methods and taste. They then use this to suggest different flavours that they can try. With this, you can determine what is right or best for you.


No matter the type of flavour you prefer from robust to bold to lighter or delicate, you can always get this via a subscription. Good quality coffee brings joy to the drinker and choosing the right subscription service will not only bring a smile to your face, but it will also help maintain the supply chain.

5 responses to “Speciality Coffee Roaster for A Monthly Coffee Subscription”

  1. Aditi says:

    Oh that’s a lovely concept for coffee lovers, I have been drinking only coffee since ever, never even tasted tea. And the dark roast for me is a preferred one.

  2. What a nice read! I’ve heard about speciality coffee subscription, but I don’t think we’ve had such service in the city. It would be nice to be able to try various coffee every month while supporting local roasters at the same time.

  3. Cristina says:

    I love coffee for its taste. I had no idea that it is linked to potentially treating diseases like Alzheimer’s or dementia. Makes me love coffee even more.

  4. WorldInEyes says:

    I am just addicted to coffee and love to have is on my first priority of all..Thanks for sharing such great info about it..i wasn’t fully aware about this..Very helpful and interesting blog..🙂

  5. I’m not a big drinker of coffee but I usually drink it when I’m with my friends. I agree that a good quality coffee is always pleasant and makes you happy 🙂 – Paolo

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