July 17, 2010

Why Write a Will?

Writing a will is something you should
think about when you are close to retirement age, right? Well, actually it is
something you should really think about at any major point in your life.
Whether you are in your 20s or your 80s, having a will can ensure that any
assets you own will be left to the right people. Although not all wills are
foolproof – they can be challenged – this can be a complicated process so check
out tipson when to contest a will before
you proceed. Below are just a few reasons why you should write a will.
·           Do you own your
own house?
If you own property, then who do you
want to inherit it when you die? If you are unmarried and cohabitating then you
might wish your partner to inherit the property – however this cannot happen
under the current laws. Property is probably the most expensive asset you will
ever own, and it is important that you consider who should inherit this, should
something happen to you.
·           Do you have children?
Having a will can allow you to
stipulate who you would like to care for your children, should something happen
to you and your partner. Appointing a guardian, and stating this in your will
can prevent the courts becoming involved, and you will be safe in the knowledge
that your child will be cared for.
·           Is there high
risk of death in your current job?
As the times move on, people
participate in jobs where risk of death is higher than your average desk job.
Occupations like firefighter or working in the armed forces will put your life
at significant risk, and it is therefore imperative that you know you have
provided for your loved ones in the untimely event of your death.
These are just some reasons why we
should all consider writing a will, even at a younger age than we envisaged. Having
a will doesn’t make everything perfect though, as mentioned above, a will can
be contested. However specialists like http://www.disputingwills.co.uk
can be contacted to help with any problems that may arise.

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